Monday 10 August 2009

Mod Deflate on Cloud Sites

I am using Could Sites to host a few web sites, and have been using the Apache Module mod_deflate to compress HTML, Javascript and CSS before being sent to the web browser. I am getting closer and closer to my compute cycle limit, but I still have plenty of bandwidth to spare each month, so I am considering turning off mod_deflate; potentially wasting some bandwidth, but hopefully reducing my compute cycles.

Support couldn't give me any indication of the potential compute cycle savings.

I am starting to become a little suspicious of the compute cycles, it is an unknown measurement, and there seems to be very little documentation on the Rackspace web site about how it are calculated. In the Control Panel, there is no breakdown by hour, or even day, of this usage, and Rackspace simply say the 10000 cycles are "about the same processing power as you'd get from a decent dedicated server or Amazon EC2 instance" - this seems pretty vague to me!

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